The Role of Leadership in Shaping the Region

Another successful Leading Agenda event held by Barr Property & Planning and The University of Newcastle. This year the focus of the event was the on ‘The Role of Leadership in Shaping the Region.

The event included speakers Darren Cleary, the Managing Director at Hunter Water and also Monica Gibson, the Executive Director of the Local and Regional Planning, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

Both speakers shared their great perspective, knowledge and guidance on their experiences in leadership roles. They touched on the challenges they faced as a leader and the importance of collaboration, being open to feedback and instilling values they believe in.

The conversation continued with a panel discussion ran by Rebecca Johnston from Barr P&P which included both speakers, along with Professor Daniel Nyberg from the University of Newcastle and Matthew Chantrey, an MBA Graduate working at the Commonwealth Bank. All drawing on their experiences as leaders they further elaborated on the value of providing justification and being transparent to build trust and creditability.

In partnership with the University of Newcastle, we are very proud to have held this event for the last three years. It brings together the best industry leaders in our region to discuss and network with CEOs, managers, and business owners across the Hunter, along with MBA students and graduates from the University.
