Mural artwork for Newcastle Airport

Another great project for Newcastle Airport, providing our assistance on the development assessment for the installation of a new artwork mural sign with lighting and additional works.
The large painted mural which was commissioned and designed by Newcastle’s well-known artist Mitch Rev’s is located on the south eastern elevation of the Hanger and showcases a stylist cartoon depiction ‘Welcome Sign’ of the Newcastle Airport Precinct, including passenger terminal and Williamtown RAAF Base. The artwork also includes regional specific attractions of the Hunter including Port Stephens, Hunter Valley, and Nobbys Lighthouse, in combination with ‘Welcome to Newcastle Airport’ written in cursive style text.

The mural sign will help contribute to the positive social and economic outcomes, through the advertisement and promotion of Newcastle Airport, and the Hunter Region as a whole, for existing and future residents, and new and returning tourists and visitors to the region.

Mitch Revs - Newcastle Airport Mural