Barr Planning Sponsors the PIA State Conference

The Barr Planning team had a great few days at the NSW Planning Institute of Australia State Conference, which was held Newcastle. The event was an opportunity for our team to engage in learning, networking, and thought-provoking discussions.

Some of the key takeaways that left a lasting impression were…
  1. Planners’ Vital Role: The conference emphasized the critical role that Planners will play in addressing housing deliverability and affordability challenges.
  2. The Renewables Revolution: We’re at the cusp of a significant transition towards an economy based on renewables. The insights gained at the conference shed light on the prospects and challenges that this transition offers.
  3. Regional Australia’s Promise: We were reminded of the unique opportunities that regional Australia holds, and the pivotal role that urban planning can play in harnessing these opportunities for the benefit of both local communities and the nation as a whole.

The conference provided a valuable platform for us to delve deeper into the ‘Planning with Country’ framework and the focus on building relationships and respectful engagement.

Barr Planning is also proud to have contributed to the success of the conference as a sponsor. Our distinctive orange Barr Planning ‘B’ was prominently displayed on the Conference Lanyard, symbolising our commitment to the field of planning and our dedication to driving positive change.
As we return from this insightful conference, we carry with us a renewed sense of purpose and a wealth of knowledge to apply to our projects.